Arts and Music
Since the beginning of time, all over the world, women, and men of all cultures, have expressed their true feelings and thoughts through Arts and Music, which are the language of the feelings and the connection with the Spirit.
They are and always been the most profound spiritual expression of humanity and, through the times, have united the world in peace and inspiration.
Nature, the Mother of all, is my guide in everything I do.
Only with her, humanity can survive and evolve harmoniously.
These times of crisis remind us again that we need to protect our environment and reconnect with Nature. By learning how to plant and care for Mother Nature we can decentralize economics, harvest healthy food, build our shelters and be sovereign.
We’re living in a modern world, bordering with science fiction, coming from industrial era to digital and robotized era. Data has become the infrastructure of social-economics and communication.
We use clean technology to create, communicate, educate and share to the world.
How technology changed my work

I learned how to make furniture with my father, as a child, As a teen I started to work in interior design and construction. I worked in Europe, South America and Polynesia.
In 1986, I went to Los Angeles, California and worked in the film industry, first as a carpenter, then as Art Director. When Apple came out with their first Mac+ computer. I was fascinated at first sight. I took my computer to a movie set to design architectural plans and organize work. At that time, no computers were used in the film Art department. That took me to create a sculpting system with “CNC Routing” and “Laser Cutting” for the sets of the movie Stargate.
It was a new way to use technology and make Art. Fascinating!!!
After sculpting the sets of Stargate, I opened a design and fabrication company called Laser Edge Inc.
I learned about building anything in budget, in the fastest time and with the best possible quality.
With this new knowledge, I have been able to accomplish most of my dreams, and I’ve been in a constant creative phase.
The digital age changed my life and my work forever.
Over the years, I got to be fascinated by the beauty and power of audiovisual story telling. I learned about digital photography, filming, and audio. They allow me to express anything I feel through image and sound. They have become my first tools for self-expression and for providing services to my clients.
Now in Costa Rica I build homes, furniture, and structures. I love when building with bamboo, wood or clay.
I’ve been working consistently since I was a kid and I just want to keep on going, or better, be at service of paradise on earth.
I hope we can collaborate and create together a better world for us and the new generations.

I love designing websites. It’s like telling a story, but it is also much more complete and complex. A great way to present your work.
I am partnering with UmbralHosting offering outstanding websites hosting, including a majestic collection of templates.
We are proud to offer reasonable priced and elegant websites for all your needs.


Stronger than steel for the same weight, Bamboo is an extraordinary plant that has infinite uses.
I grew up in my father’s carpentry shop. He didn’t need to teach me. I was just helping him and absorbing it. It came naturally to work with wood. The element that has helped me the most in my career.
The bajareque is a construction system that has been used during times for the construction of houses in indigenous peoples of America. This system consists of a series of reeds or sticks interwoven with a mud finish, stopping the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Aho, Namaste and Thank You for reading
Antoine Bonsorte